754 Main Street Greenwood, NE
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Greenwood Timeline

Our church, Citylight North Lincoln was planted a few years ago by several people from Lincoln who saw a need for the Gospel in a neighborhood further north of Lincoln. Shortly after our church started meeting we began to feel God giving us a desire and burden to see a new Gospel movement happen in the rural communities surrounding Lincoln. Over the past couple of years, with a calling and an invitation, we have been praying for God’s Church to go into Wahoo and Greenwood, two rural towns north of Lincoln.

September 2023
We decided to continue to meet and pray once a month in the same church building on Main Street in Greenwood. We gathered to sing and pray as we waited to see how God might continue to write this story. Through conversations and connections, we discovered that the historical society owned the church building and they were ready to sell it to us if we could make it work.

July 2023
In July of 2023, a gentleman from Greenwood knocked on our front door with a plea: “Would you come plant a church in our town?” Little did this gentleman know that we had been praying over the past couple of years asking God to use our church to reach rural communities across Nebraska with the gospel. On August 13th, we held our first prayer gathering with 35 people as we met in an old vacant church building in Greenwood and asked Jesus to bring heaven on earth to Greenwood. The presence of God’s Spirit was so evident as we gathered.

December 2023
After spending the past five months praying and connecting with people in the area it became clear that God was moving. At the end of December 2023 we officially purchased the church building in Greenwood, Nebraska with the help of Citylight Lincoln and Citylight South Lincoln. We are so thankful for the generosity of our church family. We will continue to gather monthly and pray for what might be next with this potential church plant in Greenwood Nebraska. For all future prayer and worship gatherings we will meet at the church buidling on Main Street.

January 2024
At this month’s prayer gathering, four individuals who have been coming to the prayer gathering and live in the area shared they will start the first City Group in Greenwood! To learn more about what City Groups are visit our City Groups page.

February 2024
In February we hosted the first Worship Night and we got to hear testimonies from individuals who grew up in small towns. It was so encouraging to hear the impact and opportunity we have before us with this church plant.

March 2024
The first Greenwood City Group is starting to meet. The plan moving forward is to continue to have the City Group meet weekly in Greenwood. We will also continue to have monthly prayer/worship nights at the Greenwood church. We hope to see God continue to move and connect people in the area who may want to join the Greenwood Church plant.

Greenwood City Group
For those interested in being a part of the church plant the next step would be to begin attending the Greenwood City Group.The group is led by four local individuals; Kirsten and Grant McGill and Trisha and Jason Nichelson. To learn more about what City Groups are visit our City Groups page. To get connected check out the details below:
Thursdays | 6:30-8:00 PM | Greenwood, NE
Contact: Kirsten and Grant McGill at

June 2024
First City Group Official Launch!

first CHURCH Gathering
On Sunday, September 8 we will have our first official church gathering. Pastor Nate and Pastor Brett at Citylight North Lincoln will rotate preaching at Greenwood for the first several months. We will have a sermon, sing songs, and connect as a community. Anyone looking for a local church to join is welcome to come! One thing that is true about Citylight is that we are not an organization to affiliate with but a family to belong to. This is something we hope and pray is true for Citylight Greenwood. We hope to see so many new and familiar faces at church this September!
- Pray for God’s blessing for people to come to faith in Jesus for generations to come!
- Pray for leaders to be raised up and sent out to launch City Groups and join the staff team.
- Pray for future finances to do necessary renovations.