What Baptism Is
When should you get baptized?
Here at Citylight, we practice believer’s baptism as opposed to infant baptism. Throughout the New Testament, the pattern we see is people choosing to be baptized after they’ve made a profession of faith in Jesus. If you’ve trusted in Jesus to save you and haven’t yet been baptized after your profession of faith, we’d love to encourage you to celebrate with us at one of our upcoming baptism Sundays. If you are ready to proclaim the name of Jesus, then we encourage you to join us to celebrate at one of the Baptism Sundays Citylight hosts throughout the year.
Check the Events page for baptism class and celebration date/time and sign up.
How does Citylight Baptize?
The Greek word for Baptism is “Baptizo” which means immerse or submerge. This definition fits with Jesus’ baptism as well as the other baptisms we see in the New Testament. Therefore, our mode of baptism that we find to be the most biblical is submerging you fully into water.
What is your next step?
Come to one of our baptism classes where we will explore baptism more deeply and all the logistics involved.
Spring Baptism Class & Celebration:
April 2025 TBD
Fall Baptism Class & Celebration:
Class | October 13 | Noon
Celebration | October 20 | 10:30 AM
Email Ben Oltman if you want to attend the class or learn more about baptism.